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Key Groups

​Key Groups are our small groups within the association that gather based off of a similarity (e.g. location, activity, etc.). New members are always welcome!

To become a member of a Key Group, you must first be a dues-paying member of the NoVA Kappa Alumnae Association. Pay dues here. Upcoming events and details are emailed to dues-payers in our monthly newsletter.

Interested in starting a new group? Contact our Key Groups Chair.

Alexandria Kappas includes Kappas of all ages who are interested in meeting in Alexandria (or nearby). You do not have to live in Alexandria. We usually meet on weekday evenings, but occasionally on Saturday mornings. Our activities vary, but have included gathering in restaurants for dinner or brunch or in members' homes, craft activities (painting and quilting this year) and occasional outdoor events like hiking or visiting local gardens.

The Daytimers get together once a month for Kappa camaraderie, usually visiting an area attraction and/or enjoying lunch together. We have toured local museums, parks and botanical gardens, historic homes, the Capitol and Library of Congress, among other sites. Occasionally, we get together over Zoom, where we have even taking a French cooking class direct from an instructor in France! Meetings are held weekdays during the day and members are from all age groups.

Free Birds is a group targeted for new empty-nester/soon-to-be-empty nester moms. We know how difficult it is to break free of the mom-cycle life as our “owlets” have flown the nest, so our hope is to have monthly gatherings featuring new experiences and adventures to re-invigorate & re-engage ourselves in a new stage of life. And of course, we hope to form new friendships while providing each other support during a time of transition.

The Kappa Day Book Group generally meets on the second Wednesday of the month, with the exception of December and summer months. Our meeting time is 10:30 am but we do change that on occasion. Our books are chosen at our meetings with selections recommended by our members. We welcome all NoVA Kappas to attend any or many of our meetings. If anyone would like to be added just to our mailing list to see what the group is reading that would be great too. And we would enjoy your input as well.

Koffee & Kamaraderie in Leesburg meets the second Saturday of each month. The event is flexible and welcoming, no RSVP is needed and Saturday morning bedhead & athletic clothes are perfectly acceptable. We welcome Kappas from surrounding areas; come see what life in our little corner of the universe outside the Beltway is like! Goosecup, 216 S King St, Leesburg, VA 20175

Night Owls meet every few months for drinks and snacks/dinner in either Arlington or Alexandria. While everyone is welcome the group is usually made up of women in the 20s-40s range.

The Reston Kappas generally meet monthly on the last Saturday for coffee and breakfast at La Madeleine, 1833 Fountain Drive, Reston, VA 20190 at 8:30 am. This date may vary some months depending on holiday schedules. Our get-togethers are very informal, and Kappas of all ages are welcome to attend. We hope you'll join us to get your Saturday morning started with some lively conversation over a cup of coffee, a bite to eat and some sisterhood time!